Open Office Hours Invitation for Aspiring Climate Tech Founders

Hello, Climate Tech Innovators and Visionaries!

We're thrilled to introduce our Open Office Hours, tailored specifically for those venturing into the realm of climate technology. If you're pioneering solutions in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, eco-friendly materials, or any other area contributing to a healthier planet, this is a golden opportunity for you to engage, absorb, and evolve.

What Are Open Office Hours?

Our Open Office Hours are informal, interactive sessions where climate tech startups can engage directly with our team of experts. These sessions are designed to provide you with:

  • Personalized Guidance: Discuss your startup's challenges and opportunities, and receive tailored advice.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow innovators and potential collaborators who share your passion for making a positive environmental impact.

  • Resource Sharing: Gain insights into the latest research, funding opportunities, and tools that can help propel your startup forward.

  • Expert Insights: Learn from seasoned professionals with experience in technology development, market strategies, and sustainability practices.

Who Should Attend?

  • Founders and team members of climate tech startups.

  • Entrepreneurs ready to dive into the climate tech scene or pivot existing operations towards sustainability.

  • Visionaries eager for feedback on their climate tech concepts.

How to Participate?

Our Open Office Hours will be held weekly on Friday’s at 11am GST / 3pm SGT (APAC/EMEA) and/or 3pm GST / 11am GMT (EMEA/US) via video conference. To ensure a productive session for all, we recommend sending in your questions or discussion topics in advance. Use the sign up button to join a session

Reserve Your Spot

Given our commitment to deep, meaningful engagement, spots are limited. Register your interest via the sign up button, sharing a brief overview of your startup or the expertise you wish to offer as a mentor, along with any specific discussion points you'd like to cover.

Be a Catalyst for Climate Action

Our Open Office Hours are more than meetings; they're a gateway to joining a community intent on enacting tangible environmental change. We eagerly anticipate discovering the innovative solutions you bring to the table.

Your journey might start with a vision, a business idea, a hobby seeking transformation, or a creative project yearning for exposure. How you share your story could change the world. Let's unite our efforts for a sustainable future.

Together, we can turn innovative ideas into reality for the betterment of our planet.